Catalog your artwork

Kala Art institute

January 30 & February 6
6:30 - 8:30 pm

catalog class image landscape.jpg

Documenting and inventorying your artwork can seem like a distraction from being in the studio creating, but ultimately it is a way to value and even advance your career. We will discuss systems to inventory and organize your work and how to break those down into simple tasks that can be completed on a day-to-day basis. We will use the Joan Mitchell Foundation’s Creating a Living Legacy (CALL) program as a jumping off point for our discussions and then dive into some of the tools available. No matter what stage of your career as an artist you are in, documenting your work is an important part of your success.


Week 1

  • What do I mean by catalog?

  • Why catalog your work?

  • Workflow

  • Stage 1: Setting goals

  • Stage 2: Physical inventory

  • Stage 3: Define inventory system

  • Homework

Week 2

  • What to tackle first

  • Stage 3: Creating records

  • Stage 4: Connecting records

  • Getting help

  • Photographing your work
